Geefshuysen b.v.
Holleweg 28
3925 LW Scherpenzeel
Tel.: 033 - 27 71 457
Fax: 033 - 27 74 936
Holleweg 28
3925 LW Scherpenzeel
Tel.: 033 - 27 71 457
Fax: 033 - 27 74 936
Geefshuysen construction company was founded in 1959 in Scherpenzeel by the two brothers Geefshuysen. Until 1998, the old Smithy was situated in the center of Scherpenzeel at the so called 'Dorpsstraat'. Started under the name Gebroeders (brothers) Geefshuysen, after 31 years in 1990, one of the brothers left the business and the company was continued as a one-mans firm. In 1993 the management was completed again with Geefshuysen junior. After having lead the company together, in 2002 the company was assigned again. Nowadays it is junior giving the company its todays prestige, at first using the company name 'B.Geefshuysen V.O.F.' which name was changed in August 2004 to 'Geefshuysen bv'.
Being the first smithy in this region, we did all kind of works, like producing and fixing all kinds of heatingsystems, agricultural equipment en and building constructions, in spite of being a blacksmith. After several enlagements as a family company at the original location in the center of Scherpenzeel, in 1992 forced by changes in market and demand, we decided for migration and renovation. This renovation finaly was realised in Scherpenzeel at the industrial park at the Holleweg in 1997. With this renovation the office and productionspace was expanded with over 500 percent.