
Staalconstructies - Lasbedrijf - Landbouwmechanisatie


Geefshuysen b.v.

Holleweg 28
3925 LW Scherpenzeel
Tel.: 033 - 27 71 457
Fax: 033 - 27 74 936

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Geefshuijsen B.V.
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Construction fitter welder man woman

The function includes:

  • Assembling and welding construction parts/agricultural machines
  • Assembly of small to large steel constructions

Is asked:

  • experience in the above activities
  • in possession of corresponding diplomas
  • in possession of driving license B/E
  • able to work accurately and independently

We offer you:

  • salary in accordance with the position, partly based on age and experience
  • good working conditions and excellent fringe benefits

Send your application and CV to:
Geefshuysen metalworking B.V.
Holleweg 28, 3925 LW Scherpenzeel,
For further information: B. Geefshuysen T. 033 - 277 14 57